• Call Us for Appointment : 9033033269
  • Clinc Timings :  Monday - Saturday 10:00 AM TO 8:00 PM

Removable Prosthesis

Removable dental prostheses have come a long way in the last few decadesrn thanks to new dental care and research. While dentures were the first rnpopular type of removable prostheses there are many others that are alsorn commonly used.  Removable dental prostheses devices have become so rnpopular because they are affordable and less invasive than implants and rnsurgery. They can be conveniently removed when not in use and replaced rnwhenever the devices are needed. Partials, braces, dentures, and other rnfixtures can be used and if you are wanting dental care from local rnexperts the contact us today